The customer is redefining the way local governments manage their IT systems and provide services to their constituents. Their platform has been under development for years and their developers have focused on implementing new features. The team lacked DevOps practices and that work was being performed by developers on an as needed basis. Over time, automation and efficiency began to suffer as server operations began to take more resources.
Over the course of several years of development, the customer has developed a world class product but also accumulated a fair bit of technical debt around DevOps & operations of their platform. Their platform was running accross different cloud providers and infrastructure management was taking more of devleopers efforts with each release.
Releases were time consuming and brittle since the infrastructure was managed manually and CI/CD pipelines were not reliable. New environments had to be setup manually and were prone to human error.
One of ThoughtSimplified's main areas of technical focus is DevOps and cloud automation. After discussing the challenges the customer faced, we were chosen to centralize all platform components on a single cloud provider and eliminate as much manual effort as possible.
ThoughtSimplified reviewed the current development environment with the customer's development team and stakeholders and proposed the following.
Front-end Architecture Diagram
Back-end Architecture Diagram
Pre-Production Environments
Production Environment
After completing and testing pre-production cloudformation templates and CI/CD pipelines, ThoughtSimplified used these scripts as a starting place for a set of production infrastructure. The main changes are summarized by the following:
After the migration to AWS the following benefits were achieved
ThoughtSimplified is currently an AWS Select Consulting Partner, with a focus on DevOps and AWS Database migration.